Victoria, Australia

You may have seen on my previous blog post that Great White sharks were on the agenda. One of my biggest bucket list items has been to see a Great White shark and although we thought they would be easy to find we sadly skipped the best town of Port Lincoln in Southern Australia... sad, but it will have to be another trip.

In the later part of last week we spent time in Adelaide. From our camper site we were able to walk into downtown, which was ideal since parking this white stallion hasn't been an easy task. We crossed the Botanical Gardens and ended up at the Uni (university). Very beautiful with what seems to have been recently updated. We then walked around town where we popped into the city library and museum and finally found some Mexican food! Of course still hungry we went to the Adelaide Market where we picked up an apple pie and key lime pie. Lots of fantastic local ingredients and eateries to shop at.

After our Adelaide tour we headed to Barossa Valley, a very well known wine area in Southern Australia. Beautiful rolling hills with vineyards to your right and left for miles. Rose bushes line driveways and homes. We ended up spending two nights in a free camper van site just outside of Barossa in Greenock. A very quiet town with about 2 dining options, but many winery options and a brewery.

The first morning after a quick, but painful jog we walked to El Estanco for breakfast in Greenock and then to tour downtown Barossa Valley. Something that I have found amazing is the amount of information centers in Australia. Anywhere you go there is someone that will point you in the right direction. For most every town you drive into you have a sign heading into town with the attractions and where to find them. And although there are not many places to stay in regards to hotels in some of these small towns caravan parks are readily available. To end the day we went to the Greenock Brewers where we received a tour from Chris the owner who has been running the business for the over a year with his wife.

The second night in Greenock we met two young German fellows Felix and Nicolas in the camper van park. We were finally able to share a bit of our Bundaberg Rum that Jesse was so eager to buy at duty free. After getting to know them and after a few drinks we somehow got on the topic of Barbours (Barbara's as Felix would say) and how expensive it was to get your haircut here.  Since these are two very young and budget conscious we offered to shave Felix's head since we carry around Jesse's clippers.

Jesse and I have now been in doing the camper van life for about two weeks. We have found that although the camper van sites are clean and have showers they don't have the best views. You can see our white van in the photos below.

Today included crossing part of the Great Ocean road. With breathtaking views and many photo stops we are now in Apollo.

If In The Area Stop Here:

Adelaide Market :
El Estanco Cafe :
Barossa Valley Brewery:
Greenock Brewers:
Blue Lake :
Great Ocean Road:

Happy Birthday Mom!!! XOXO


  1. Great pictures. Road trips of road trips. You can set up a barber shop out of the camper if you need to earn a little extra money


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