Western / Southern Australia

Note this was from 4 days ago when I didn't have wifi to post:

Each day thus far has consisted of waking up, cleaning the bugs on the ceiling from from the previous nights massacre and finding a beach or activity for the afternoon. After the first few days in Australia we made it to Margaret River where we were able to tour a few wineries. Each location has very friendly people that were happy to share their wine and history with us. The two wineries we did go to were St. Aiden in Ferguson Valley and Happs in Margaret River. The location reminded me a lot of Napa Valley. Maybe not as populated here, but there are rolling hills with the wineries about every 2km. We bought a few bottles from the wineries we stopped at and to help our budget also bought Goon (Aussie way of saying boxed wine) for $17 for 4 liters. We explored with Jesse's friend Ingrid and boyfriend Adrian who are also professional photographers. Photos to come soon!

After the wine region we moved to the southern region of Western Australia where went to Valley of the Giants, The Glouster Tree, Bicentennial Tree and Diamond Tree. The three trees can actually be climbed all the way to the top. Jesse and I laughed because in the US you would need a half hour instruction course, a tight rope holding you on and an instructor guiding you up the tree, but here you just have a sign at the bottom of the trees saying, "Your safety is our concern, but not our responsibility". There are little pegs in the side of the tree with a small rope that wouldn't even catch you if you did fall up from the 73 meter top. Jesse had the courage, but I supported from the ground.

Our next stop is our 3 day trek across the desert. We expect to see a lot of kangaroos and plan on waving to the other caravaners that pass by.

Present Day:

The past few days have been straighttttt driving. Since wifi has been a bit of a pain we had to sit at a gas station for about 45 minutes to download some last minute audio books and podcasts. Items we listened to included Harry Potter and a few podcasts that included small town murder investigations that Jesse was adamant to listen to.. giving me nightmares.

We had a lot of laughs and by the end we were starting to lose it a bit. However, our second night included large cliffs with the best sunset yet.

We saw many things that you wouldn't see in the US including:

Our meals have included Ramen, PB&J, Soup and wine.

Jesse and I keep looking at each other and can't believe how lucky we are. To explore the world. To have one another's company. And to see it together.

We have just arrived in Adelaide and will explore more tomorrow! My next bucket list item is to see a Great White Shark... on a boat. We will see if that happens.


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