
After spending time in Ubud we decided to venture off the main island of Bali and travel to the Gili islands, which are just east of Bali. With only an hour and a half ferry ride and two beers later we landed on one of the three Gili island, Gili Air. There are three Gili Islands including Gili T (party island), Gili Meno (honeymoon island), and Gili Air (relaxation island).  Gili Air was a nice break from the Bali bikes whizzing past you as there are no motor bikes or cars on the island. Biking seemed to be the best route, which was easy and cheap.

Closest island Gili Air, middle island Gili Meno, furthest island Gili Trawangan

Since the island wasn't big our days were spent trying different foods or drinks around the main biking path. However, our favorite activity was snorkeling. And probably the most fun/fear we have  on this trip. Picture your grandfathers dingy (wooden) and hurricane Sandy. As soon as we got on the boat the storm came in. The waves started to get higher and higher and all the sudden the captain said stand up. So you wouldn't fall over you had to grab onto the top of the boat to help balance yourself or you would be rolling around on the floor. Because there were no windows the water would nail you right in the face every time the boat would rock back and forth. Good news is that the islands are very close together so we managed to weather it out and have a good laugh. The storm eventually cleared and after stopping at two snorkeling spots and having lunch on Gili T we were determined to see turtles. Jesse and I have had many snorkeling adventures together, but we have never seen a turtle, so this was a must for us. At the very last spot of the day Jesse jumped in and immediately saw a turtle right under him. We also saw sculptures including the one below. They are seen as a famous art in the area and have hopes to help bring back coral.

To learn more about the different sculptures:

After Gili Air we took a ferry to Lombok, which is another Indoensia Island. Something I have learned is that Indonesia is mostly Muslim, except for Bali, which is Hindu. In traditional Muslim culture they pray 5 times a day. Everyone was very kind, but something you don't forget was the prayer over the loud microphone that spreads across the entire island. The first time I heard it I thought I was in the episode of the Hunger Games. We planned on staying in the town of Senggigi for 5 nights, but found that it didn't have the same appeal as Bali or Gili Islands with culture or tourist attractions so we ended up leaving two nights earlier than planned. Getting off the ferry we were so excited to be back on our Bali with our wonderful driver Ida waiting for us.

We are now in Canggu. Which looks like the trendy LA, but with a lot of Russians and Germans. Mostly tourists fill this area so there are lots of places to eat, drink, spend your money on things you don't need. If you are looking to get some surf waves this is a great spot or if you want to watch from the beach all of the tourists attempting to surf that is also very entertaining. I can't say much since I didn't surf, but nevertheless entertaining.

We have really enjoyed learning about the Hindu culture and will miss Bali very much. Our driver Ida MADE this trip for us and we hope to stay in contact with him. If you are ever in Bali and need a guide or driver Ida is your main man! Although it is not a good picture of us we had to give Ida his praise.

Favorite memory: Hard to choose...monkey forest, being able to participate in water temple prayer, snorkeling
Favorite Balinese Person: Ida :)
Favorite fruit: Salak
Favorite place to stay: Devi's Place Ubud - Let us know if you are interested they said they would give our friends a discount:)
Favorite Meal: Mei Goren Ayam- A delicious stir fry noodle. And they let you eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner!

Thank you Indonesia! Onto Thailand on the 29th.


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